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Ella Cooper – Episode 71

Ella Cooper – Episode 71

  Ella is a change maker who is making it happen in a variety of ways. Listen is as she talks about her new film Black Men Loving, internalized racism, how she tries to build community through the arts and why she wants to raise the voice of the marginalized in...
David Toycen – Episode 70

David Toycen – Episode 70

  This week’s conversation is a real treat and with a good friend of mine. My advice is to listen closely. Pay attention as Dave talks about his deep passion for the two-thirds world, why he does what he does and why he thinks that we’re all able to give. He’ll tell...
Nigel Fisher – Episode 66

Nigel Fisher – Episode 66

  Listen in to this amazing interview with Nigel Fisher who has spent his life working in the Global South and on a variety of humanitarian interventions. He just received the Order of Canada and has plenty to say about hope and helping others, about how he’s a strong...