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David talks about his crazy approach to raising money for education, relief and development, why his heart is in Africa and why Malawians are tired of handouts.


David Morrison ‘Mo’ was born in Toronto, Ontario.  After high school he travelled to California on a football scholarship.  An injury took him out early, but in the process Mo found his true calling, ministering to young people.  He attended Tyndale College and Seminary while working part-time at Ontario Pioneer Camp, where he eventually became the Boys’ Camp Director.  At camp, David met his wife, Joanna. 

Pioneer was in fact the training ground for a call that came in 2003, when David and Joanna, together with their three young children, moved to Malawi to begin creating families for children left alone in the world. 

Today, there are 80 children living in 7 homes, which surround the Morrison home. 

David’s heart is to see children adopted into families, and established as world changers. 

One of the keys to transformation is education and the Dreamriders were born out of a desire to offer more children the opportunity to be educated.  

Here’s an Oakville Beaver article here for more info.

Or maybe here for a Calgary Herald piece talking about the campaign.