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Trevor Cameron and Face2Face host David Peck talk about The Shadow of Dumont, ex-buffalo hunters, radical hope, identity and legacy, how history and our Mother’s are connected and the need to remember.

More about the film here

And watch it Now! Playing at ImagineNATIVE


Living in Toronto and seeking reconnection with his Métis roots, Trevor Cameron sets out on a cross-country road trip to the homelands of Gabriel Dumont, hero and leader of the 1885 Métis uprising.

In a ramshackle van painted with Métis iconography, Cameron blends animation, personal narrative and historical facts visiting the places and people who can offer profound insight into Dumont.

While textbooks may offer us a glimpse of who this important figure was, Shadow of Dumont explores Gabriel Dumont through kinship, humour, and a deep connection to the landscape.

About Trevor:

Trevor Cameron is an award-winning Métis writer and director whose films  have been screened internationally. His interest in telling Métis-specific stories offers a distinct voice and perspective in Canadian arts.

Image Copyright and Credit: Trevor Cameron and KarmaFilm.

F2F Music and Image Copyright: David Peck and Face2Face. Used with permission.

For more information about David Peck’s podcasting, writing and public speaking please visit his site here.

With thanks to Josh Snethlage and Mixed Media Sound.