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Gavin is a social entrepreneur and talks about opportunities in the global South, the luck iron fish bio medics, the importance of research and ‎the interconnected like nature of it all.

Biography Gavin Armstrong is a dedicated impact entrepreneur who believes that businesses have the resources and power to solve some of the world’s most critical challenges. He is the Founder and President of the Lucky Iron Fish, a social enterprise dedicated to reducing iron deficiency rates around the world using a simple technology. In commercializing the Lucky Iron Fish Gavin took the simple idea of cooking with a piece of iron and turned it into an international success. He has raised over two million dollars in scale-up money for his enterprise, has won numerous awards including the Clinton Hunger leadership Award, Cannes Lions Grand Prix, Edison Foundation Innovation Award, and the Michaelle Jean Emergency Relief Award. He has also developed a commercial model following the ‘buy 1 give 1’ plan that has resulted in over 60,000 people receiving a free Lucky Iron Fish. His efforts have had the Lucky Iron Fish brand receive an astonishing 2.8 Billion social media impressions around the globe. Gavin is an eloquent speaker who has given presentations all over the world on the power of impact entrepreneurship, young entrepreneurship, and hunger and advocacy issues. Gavin often spends time spreading the message that failure is important, as a failure is the best way to learn and better oneself. He is the Entrepreneur in Residence for the Kirchner Food Fellowship Program and a Fellow Emeritus for the Hunger Solutions Institute. He is currently a PhD Candidate at the University of Guelph and a Fellow at the Unreasonable Institute in Boulder Colorado.

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