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Zehra Abbas – Episode 75

Zehra Abbas – Episode 75

Zehra is a passionate about what she does. Listen in as she talks about how she didn’t go to school to learn about her take on local and global change, how she launched her entrepreneurial and socially innovative Studio 89, and what she’s doing to bring together the...
Peter Blakely – Episode 73

Peter Blakely – Episode 73

  Peter recently spent some time in Nepal, climbing, hiking and camping around Mount Everest. He’ll tell us more about his experience and in this interview talk about stewardship, money and donor loyalty. He’ll challenge your ideas about generous Canadians and talk...
David Toycen – Episode 70

David Toycen – Episode 70

  This week’s conversation is a real treat and with a good friend of mine. My advice is to listen closely. Pay attention as Dave talks about his deep passion for the two-thirds world, why he does what he does and why he thinks that we’re all able to give. He’ll tell...