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Peter recently spent some time in Nepal, climbing, hiking and camping around Mount Everest. He’ll tell us more about his experience and in this interview talk about stewardship, money and donor loyalty. He’ll challenge your ideas about generous Canadians and talk about why people give to people, why he thinks we have many acquaintances, but only very few friends.


Peter is the Founder of Blakely & Associates and until his recent sale of the company and retirement, he grew the company to be one of Canada’s leading fundraising and direct marketing consultancy agencies.

Starting his career in the for profit sector, Peter gained extensive knowledge and experience in the use of a wide range of analytical tools and direct marketing. As a Canadian national team athlete, Peter was required to raise money so that he could compete and then went on to help the team and his sport raise annual funds. It was the combination of these two activities, fundraising and direct marketing, which lead to the creation of Blakely & Associates.

Focusing on the development of Blakely & Associates’ vision as an innovative and fully integrated direct marketing agency for the long-term benefit of client programs, Peter’s entrepreneurial background, expertise in the use of data analytics and application of research ensured that clients benefited from the use of every possible fundraising channel and market opportunity.

As an active community volunteer, Peter is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy and the Canadian Association of Gift Planners.