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Jean Saindon – Episode 88

Jean Saindon – Episode 88

  Listen in today to a friend and one of my former professors talk about some interesting things. We talk sex, gender, and pornography. Jean has plenty to say about how we use labels and often don’t understand them, respect for other people, and what we need to do...
Peter Singer – Episode 80

Peter Singer – Episode 80

  Listen in to this weeks interview with Peter Singer about this new book The Most Good You Can Do and see what he has to say about giving, philanthropy and utilitarian ethics. Biography Dr. Singer may be, as The New Yorker calls him, the planet’s “most influential...
David Toycen – Episode 70

David Toycen – Episode 70

  This week’s conversation is a real treat and with a good friend of mine. My advice is to listen closely. Pay attention as Dave talks about his deep passion for the two-thirds world, why he does what he does and why he thinks that we’re all able to give. He’ll tell...
Joshua Oppenheimer – Episode 59

Joshua Oppenheimer – Episode 59

Please do catch this rare opportunity as I interview the man behind the Oscar-nominated The Act of Killing and the soon to be released The Look of Silence. Werner Herzog says, “I have not seen a film as powerful, surreal, and frightening in at least a decade… It is...
Nina Spencer – Episode 58

Nina Spencer – Episode 58

  Nina has been a guest on Face2Face before.Today she talks about her lessons learned for work and life from climbing Kilimanjaro. Bio Nina is a popular Toronto-based international keynoter, workshop facilitator, speaker’s coach and bestselling author of Getting...