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In part 2 Eden and I talk about the Genomic revolution, the double helix and Watson and Crick and where insights and innovation germinate. We chat about efficacious data, the move towards precision medicine and why biotech is not involved in “nice to haves.”


Eden’s approach represents a progression in Investment solutions, applying options to source Income and returns through strategies not easily accessible to investors, while protecting their capital with hedges designed over his career.

Eden’s experience includes two decades of Portfolio and Hedge Fund Money Management, Options Strategist, Derivatives & Biotech Analyst and Portfolio Manager.  He has managed and traded an options book spanning 250+ securities globally and 4 commodities, with open interest of 500,000 contracts in addition to 14 Covered Call ETFs (over $0.5 Billion AUM) in Canada, US & Australia employing his dynamic options writing discipline at Horizons Exchange Traded Funds.

Eden possesses a Top Quartile 5-year, 5-Star growth fund Portfolio Manager track record on over $1 billion in assets across 4 mandates at RBC Global Asset Management.  In addition, Eden has delivered a +26% compounded annual return across a Biotechnology mandate between 1995-2003.  He also has extensive institutional hedging experience through major crises, and the structuring of Notes to create specific payoff profiles.

For more info about Eden please visit their site here.

You can also find my earlier interview with Eden Rahim here.